Infant Room- Enrollment CLOSED
Ages 6 weeks to 12 months.
We provide one standard formula, baby food, wipes, and nutritional meals. We bottle feed and work on age-appropriate milestones. Our infant teachers work with parents to create a daily eating and sleeping routine. The teachers also introduce foods and work on basic American sign language. This room is filled with educational and age-appropriate toys. Physical and emotional development are encouraged through music, art, books, facial and verbal mimicking along with lots of affection.
We practice safe sleep policies; a sleep sack is required for under 12 months of age. The classroom includes areas for loud play, quiet play, and block play. The eating and sleeping quarters are located inside the classroom. We safely store breast milk and other home foods. Any mother is more than welcome to come in and feed at any time of the day.
Toddler Room- Enrollment CLOSED
Ages 12 months to 24 months.
In this class we are focused on individual development and growth through active play and through the introduction of new challenges on a daily basis! Each child grows and develops at their own pace and in the ones class we focus on each child’s individual strengths and weaknesses to help them to grow into the strong independent little humans that they are! Communication is difficult at this age so we strive to help your little ones communicate with some basic American Sign language as well as speaking softly and clearly so that they can understand what is going on around them.
Some common activities that you will find your child participating in consists of reading stories about colors and shapes, building towers out of Legos or blocks, creating fun pictures with markers or pencils, and so much more! Everything that we offer your child is to help them grow and understand the world around them, it is an exciting adventure being one and there is so much to learn and explore.
Younger Two’s Room- Enrollment CLOSED
Ages 18 months to 24 months.
These little guys learn through hands on play with music, free play, books, and a combination of indoor and outdoor play. The room is separated into different play areas, there is a soft corner, dramatic play, fine motor, and block play. The children work in their art journals or create a project every day. Parent teacher meetings will take place frequently to discuss updated milestones. Daily reports are given to parents at pick up, this is to keep them updated on mealtimes, nap times, diaper changes, etc. In this class your child will acquire many new skills, some of which include:
Putting their own shoes and socks on
Helping undress and dress themselves
Less signing and more word use
Using words during confrontation with friends
Playing simple pretend, like feeding baby dolls
Identifying colors
Identifying ABC’s
Identifying shapes
Transitioning from scribbling to drawing lines and circles
Early Learner’s Room- Enrollment CLOSED
Ages 24 months to 36 months
This classroom prepares these toddlers for the big transition into the main house. The environment is a combination of toddler and early preschool structure. The class time is more focused, using words and carrying conversations is a big part of the everyday lessons. This is the room where the children are encouraged to play with their friends, opposed to playing around their friends. New milestones for this age group are worked on every day through active play and class time.
Potty training is the most essential part of the class. Parent and teacher action plans are discussed as well as consistent verbiage used at daycare and at home. This class aims to build your child’s skill set as well as their confidence as independent individuals.